Thursday, August 27, 2020

Protectionism in the U.S Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Protectionism in the U.S - Term Paper Example An exchange hindrance is a general articulation that shows any administration strategy or guideline that limits global exchange, the boundaries can take numerous structures, including: Import obligations Import licenses Fare licenses Shares Taxes Sponsorships Taxes, which are charges on exchange of provisions into a nation or district, are among the most established types of government mediation in money related action. They are executed for two clear monetary purposes. In the first place, they award income for the administration. Second, they show signs of improvement monetary comes back to firms and providers of assets to a residential industry that faces rivalry from imported products. Taxes are comprehensively used to shield household producers’ earnings from remote rivalry. This fortress comes at a financial expense to residential customers who follow through on greater expenses for import testing merchandise and to the economy overall through the wasteful assignment of assets to the import-contending local industry. Hence, since 1948, when normal duties on produced merchandise outperform 30 percent in most created economies, those economies have looked to diminish taxes on made products through a few rounds of conversations u nder the General Agreement on Tariffs Trade. â€Å"Non-duty hindrances incorporate non-science based sterile and phytosanitary (SPS) gauges, customs methodology, government syndications and absence of straightforwardness in regulations†. Some non-duty exchange obstructions are mostly satisfactory in fractional conditions when they are estimated important to keep wellbeing, security, or sanitation. Non-levy obstructions to exchange can be: State endowments, obtainment, exchanging, and proprietorship. National guidelines on wellbeing, security, business. Item Classification. Shares. Outside Exchange: controls and assortment. Over intricate or lacking framework. 'Purchase national' strategy. Protected innovation laws (licenses and copyrights). Pay off and defilement. Unjustifiable traditions techniques.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Coke as Cleaning Agent Essay Example for Free

Coke as Cleaning Agent Essay Trademark Facts Coke is known for being the most perceived trademark in the entirety of the world, flaunting a close to 94% brand acknowledgment by the universes populace. One contributing element to this measurement is a drawn out association with the Olympics. This association started at the 1928 Summer Olympics in Amsterdam. In 1983, Diet Coke was propelled in Australia and inside a year turned into the number two soda pop of decision in the nation, after Coke. Coke likewise brags more than 500 brands and all the more then 1,200 packaging plants in different pieces of the world. Supported Links Modern Hand Cleaner Antibacterial, Protective Hand Soap Multi-reason Ind. Hand Solutions Buyer Facts As indicated by, it is assessed that about 10,450 soda pops from Coca-Cola are expended each second of consistently. Ten jugs of Coke on normal were expended during the principal year that Coke was appropriated. In 2009, it is evaluated that more than one billion servings are expended each and every day. Cooking Agent Facts Coke can likewise be utilized in various cooking circumstances. Numerous individuals will pour an entire container of Coke into a preparing dish and afterward wrap up the ham or other meat of decision in aluminum foil. They will at that point heat the ham while it is resting in the dish loaded up with Coke. It is said to deliver a clammy ham once it is totally done. Cleaning Agent Facts Shockingly, Coke can be an incredible cleaning operator also. It very well may be utilized to clear erosion off of vehicle battery terminals, to extricate a corroded jolt or help to evacuate film off of your vehicle windshield. One of the most unusual uses for Coke is to utilize it as a cleaning operator for the can. Evidently, you can empty a jar of Coke into the latrine, let it sit for a few minutes, and afterward flush the can. The outcome: a perfect and utilitarian can. Understand more: Facts About Coke |

Friday, August 21, 2020

What Are Academic Essay Examples?

What Are Academic Essay Examples?At the outset, it must be clearly understood that there are no uniform academic essay samples. This means that you should not base your answer on the examples of another student who has also used a specific format for writing an essay. What you will discover is that each person who wrote a good essay has his or her own set of ideas are always unique.This means that each person is unique when it comes to a number of things that relate to different academic essay examples. This is not to say that you will have a set of ideas are also unique and you need to agree on a certain idea and stick with it throughout the essay. It is not necessary to have the same set of ideas as the next person as you will discover when you write your own paper.For instance, the format of a paper does not directly correlate to the format that is appropriate for academic essay examples. A good example of an essay format will contain both text and essay related topics. The format for an essay will depend on the subject matter.The first thing that you should realize is that academic essay examples require a writer to understand that they are in fact writing for the essay format and not for the information that they are presenting in a chronological order. This means that the writer should be able to understand how to present information that relates to an overall thesis of the essay as well as being able to present information in a manner that makes sense for the academic essay examples.You will find that all different academic essay examples are geared towards some type of theme. These themes include anything from the writer's academic background and area of study to their favorite subject to the length of their writing projects.The type of topic will usually define the type of essay that you are writing and how much information you can present. As well, the essay will have a style of its own depending on the person who will be presenting the information.In addition to all of this, the educational level of the writer will be one of the deciding factors as to what academic essay examples you use. The person should have an ability to understand and get information from sources and present the material in a manner that is clear and understandable.There are a number of common ways that you will find that these subjects are presented in a number of different academic essays. For instance, there are class discussions, research papers, annual reports, and even case studies. You will also find that there are techniques that you can apply in your own writing when it comes to understanding the form that you are using.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The Cloud Of Architecture Of A Cloud - 4723 Words

Distributed computing is another processing standard where in PC preparing is being performed through web by a standard program. Distributed computing expands on settled patterns for driving the expense out of the conveyance of administrations while expanding the velocity and deftness with which administrations are conveyed. It abbreviates the time from portraying out application building design to genuine arrangement. Distributed computing fuses virtualization, on-interest organization, Internet conveyance of administrations, and open source programming. The Cloud Registering Architecture of a cloud arrangement is the structure of the framework, which involves on-reason and cloud assets, administrations, middleware, and programming parts,†¦show more content†¦One of the contemplations when moving to cloud is the security issues. One thought is that the novel issues connected with distributed computing security have not been perceived. A few specialists feel that distributed computing security won t be vastly different from existing security practices and that the security viewpoints can be very much overseen utilizing existing methods, for example, computerized marks, encryption, firewalls, and/or the disconnection of virtual situations, etc. 2. SECURITY IN MOBILE CLOUD COMPUTING 2.1 Security Framework in Mobile Cloud Computing: Portable distributed computing is developing step by step because of the prominence of distributed computing and expanding employments of cell phones. Numerous analysts are demonstrating their advantage towards this innovation. There are numerous issues in portable distributed computing because of numerous restrictions of cell phones like low battery force, restricted storage rooms, data transmission and so on. Security is the principle concern in portable cloud processing. Security in versatile distributed computing can be clarified by comprehensively arranging it into 2 systems. 2.1.1 Security of Data/Files: The principle issue in utilizing versatile distributed computing is securing the information of versatile client put away on portable cloud. The information/record of a versatile client is exceptionally delicate; any unapproved individual canShow MoreRelatedCloud Computing Architecture : Technology Architecture1299 Words   |  6 PagesCloud computing architecture is the design of cloud computing. It consists of components needed for cloud computing to function properly. Front end contain applications/platforms that users can use to access back end components. Back end contains the â€Å"cloud† part of the architecture such as the cloud storage and networking. The reason why it’s significant in the technological world is because it allows users to store data into an online platform. 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These objects or things are connected to servers over the InternetRead MoreEvaluate the Usability Cloud Computing Architecture and Framework in Business2555 Words   |  11 Pagesâ€Å"Evaluate the usability Cloud Computing Architecture and Framework in Business† topic. The questions about the features of Cloud framework and the usability of Cloud in global business are proposed. The research plans to solve the questions such as the usability of these advantages for global business and the issue to use Cloud for global business. Some practical products will be also analysed to find out benefits and drawbacks of existing business platform or products which based on C loud framework. TheRead MoreThe Cloud Computing Technology Is An Architecture Based On Saas And Paas Over Internet1112 Words   |  5 Pages According to Duncan, â€Å"Architecture Dr. Schadt† is a founding member of â€Å"Sage Bionetworks†. This is helped in initiative design to support or build the database (Duncan, 2009). In today’s world organizations looking forward to have more powerful computing to successfully achieve their projects or goals. â€Å"As the case of extreme scientists† states cloud computing, as professor â€Å"Varma† says, the usage of cloud computing been highly impacting in organizational growth, based on software as a service

Friday, May 15, 2020

1984 War is Peace Essay - 978 Words

â€Å"The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became truth.† In the novel â€Å"1984† by George Orwell, Winston undergoes a metamorphosis of character, which changes his life forever. At first Winston is just like everyone else, a dull drone of the party. Then he changes his ideals and becomes true to himself with obvious rebellion towards party principles and standards. Finally, Winston is brainwashed and is turned against himself and his feelings and is made to love the party. This is a story of perception, and how different it can be from one person to the next. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Winston is a miserable member of a society he hates, and is controlled and watched in every area of his life. He has no desire to go on†¦show more content†¦More than anything he wants to be able to have his own thoughts; not just be told what to think, do, and feel. He goes through the motions of outward orthodoxy, but inside he lives in a world of dreams, memories and endless speculation about the existence of the past in the face of the Partys continual alteration of documents. Winston is devoid of any creativity or â€Å"one-ness† as a human being, and feels he is being denied the right to live a real life. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Tired of feeling the way he is, with the monotonous struggle of everyday life Winston decides to oppose the party in more real ways; and begins to deviate from certain set behaviors to free himself from this bondage of the party. â€Å"To the future or to the past, to a time when thought is free, when men are different from one another and do not live alone-to a time when truth exists and what is done cannot be undone†(25-26). He has realized what the government does to people; how everyone is made to be the same, where no one is allowed to think on their own. The party is omnipotent in all affairs and he will not go along with it anymore. Winston has made up his mind; he is going to do everything he can to bring down the party. He and Julia go to O’Brien’s apartment one afternoon, and Winston’s true hatred is revealed. â€Å"We believe that there is some kind of conspiracy, some kind of secret organization working against the Par ty,Show MoreRelated1984: War Is Peace1004 Words   |  5 PagesThe past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became truth. In the novel 1984 by George Orwell, Winston undergoes a metamorphosis of character, which changes his life forever. At first Winston is just like everyone else, a dull drone of the party. Then he changes his ideals and becomes true to himself with obvious rebellion towards party principles and standards. Finally, Winston is brainwashed and is turned against himself and his feelings and is made to love the party. ThisRead More1984 War Is Peace995 Words   |  4 Pages1984 essay. War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. This is the slogan of the Ministry of Truth, a branch of the totalitarian government in post-war London. The figurehead of this government is Big Brother, who employs a vast army of informers called the Thought Police who watch and listen to every citizen at all times through a device called a telescreen for the least signs of criminal deviation or unorthodox thoughts. This novel, like Orwell’s earlier work Animal Farm andRead MoreHunger Games And 1984 By George Orwell852 Words   |  4 PagesHunger Games vs 1984 The novel 1984 by George Orwell is based in a totalitarian society where the inner party controls the rest of Oceania. This storyline is very similar to the modern day story of The Hunger Games. Themes in 1984 such as Big Brother, the Inner Party, Telescreens, Thought Police, and Rebels are all also portrayed in The Hunger Games. Both stories follow the journey of the main character that is also the rebel in the story. There are many modern day stories that model the dystopianRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s 1984 Essay1127 Words   |  5 Pagesmankind, yet it is difficult find one that is perfect even till today. George Orwell shows an example of this within 1984. 1984 was written based on what Orwell thought the government would be like in 1984. He used his personal knowledge and experience with the government to create his story. The setting of 1984 is set in a superstate where there is a totalitarian government. Within 1984 and the 21st century one major key stands out: corr uption rules both governments. Trust is part of a foundationRead MoreCritical Analysis Of 1984 By George Orwell1257 Words   |  6 Pages1984 by George Orwell sets the overall eerie tone of the book early on. â€Å"BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU† (Orwell 3). In the book this was the statement was put on a poster of big brothers face. Firstly this is an example of metonymy. In the statement the term â€Å"BIG BROTHER† isn’t referring to how big brother very closely related to the thought police. The thought police is the organization that monitors the inner and outer party members. Secondly this can be looked through a postmodernist lens as theRead More1984 and Now1451 Words   |  6 Pages1984 AND NOW 1984  : Newspeak Now  : Politically Correct speech 1984  : The red sash of the Junior Anti-Sex League Now  : The red ribbon of the Anti-Aids celibacy league 1984  : Telescreens in every room. The programming runs 24 hours a day, and the proles have no way of turning their screens off. Now  : Televisions in every room. The programming runs 24 hours a day, and the proles rarely turn their screens off. 1984  : Telescreens in all public and private places, so the populace could beRead MoreComparing Orwells 1984 to Todays Government Essay1599 Words   |  7 Pages 1984 has come and gone. The cold war is over. The collapse of oppressive totalitarian regimes leads to the conclusion that these governments by their nature generate resistance and are doomed to failure. The fictional world of George Orwells novel, 1984, is best described as hopeless; a nightmarish dystopia where the omnipresent State enforces perfect conformity among members of a totalitarian Party through indoctrination, propaganda, fear, and ruthless punishment. In the aftermath of the fallRead MoreA Literary Analysis Of 1984 By George Orwell721 Words   |  3 Pagesbook â€Å"1984 by George Orwell† it was written in 1948 as a thriller. Winston Smith is the main character of this story followed by two characters â€Å"Julia and O’Brien.† The book starts off with main character Winston being very frustrated with what is called the â€Å"Party† lead by a man named â€Å"Big Brother† hints the saying â€Å"big brother is watching you† from â€Å"George Orwells worst fear† stated by the book takes you for a ride through what the author believes will happen by the year 1984 he statsRead MoreGeorge Orwell s 1984 Power1426 Words   |  6 PagesIn George Orwell’s 1984 Power is gained most effectively through control, fear and violence. Compared to a government like that of America’s, 1984 creates a more threatening structure of government where the public is limited from freedom and happiness. 1984 shows a world of a society where only the upper class has power and freedom from the harsh treatment that the general population receives. The idea of Big Bother makes the population of Oceania believe they are being watched over by a powerfulRead MoreAnalysis Of 1984 , Untruths, Myths And False Data Controls The Reasoning Of The Natives886 Words   |  4 PagesPeriod 4 1984 In 1984, untruths, myths and false data controls the reasoning of the natives. The Party utilizes purposeful publicity as the deadliest weapon of control. Promulgation builds the residents resolve and makes them surmise that what the gathering instructs them to do is constantly right. There are principally two sorts of purposeful publicity, one changes truth, purported doublethink, and another makes dread. Doublespeak can be seen much of the time in the realm of 1984. The gathering

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The National Incident Management System - 1579 Words

The National Incident Management System is a systematic guideline on how to effectively plan, mitigate, respond and recover, from significant incidences especially those that encompass diverse interest and involves all levels of governments. It works hand in hand with the National Response Framework, which provides structure for incident management while NIMS provide the guide for all departments and agencies at all levels of government, nongovernmental organizations, and the private sector to work flawlessly during incident management to reduce loss of life and property (U. S. Department of Homeland Security, 2008). The core aspect of the National Incident Management System during incident response is the Incident Command System (ICS),†¦show more content†¦Also, there are some challenges involves in mobilizing and deploying response teams in some special incidents. For instance, during the 2010 Deepwater Horizon (DWH) Incident, there were reports of â€Å"some delay in a chieving a fully functioning, effective and efficient Incident Command System† (Florida Commission on Oil Spill Response Coordination, 2012, P.33). As such some questions like why should city emergency management personnel use the National Incident Management System rather than developing their own command and control system often arises. This paper will try to answer or clarify this question by examining the advantages and disadvantages of the NIMS; endeavor to see if there is any advantages and disadvantages, of developing and using an ad hoc system to manage emergency; And then compare the advantages and disadvantages both systems; finally try to justify the use of the National Incident Management System as opposed to emergency management personnel developing an ad hoc command system for each individual emergency or disaster situation. Advantages of the NIMS The National Incident Management System (NIMS) which was created in 2003 based on existing structures provides framework for all types of incidence throughout the country. It aimed at uniting all those involves in incident management together for a common goal of successful management of incidents. Some notable benefits of NIMS include integration of incident

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Micro/Macro Sociology free essay sample

The term macro denotes large; thus macrosociology refers to the study of large-scale social phenomena. This covers a very broad range of topics that includes groups and collectivities of varying sizes, the major organizations and institutions of one or more societies, cross-sectional or historical studies of a single society, and both comparative and historical analyses of multiple societies. At the grandest level it may cover all human society and history. Sociologists distinguish macrosociology from microsociology, which focuses on the social activities of individuals and small groups. The micro-macro distinction forms one of the central dualisms characterizing divergent sociological perspectives. Seemingly polar opposites such as conflict-consensus, stability-change, structure-agency, subjectiveobjective, and materialist-idealist, as well as micro-macro, provide a shorthand method for denoting differences in central assumptions, subjects, and models. As with many other oppositional concepts, however, the boundary between microsociology and macrosociology is not clearly distinguished, and at the margins there is much room for overlap. Typically, micro-level studies examine individual thought, action, and interaction, often coinciding with social-psychological theories and models, whereas macro-level investigations target social structures and those forces that organize as well as divide individuals into political, social or religious organizations, ethnic populations, communities, and nation-states. Nevertheless, in defining these terms there is major conceptual ambiguity that can be formulated as a question: Should the distinction be based on substantive criteria (specialty and subdisciplinary areas within sociology such as social change and development), theoretical criteria (e. g. , functionalist, Marxist), metatheoretical criteria (type of paradigm, epistemology), or methodological criteria (type of research design and analysis techniques)? Since sociologists often use the terms micro and macro quite casually as convenient devices for categorizing broad areas of theory and research, each of these criteria can be found in the literature, and quite often they are seriously confounded. A useful means of distinguishing between the two approaches is based on the concept of units of analysis. Macrosociology uses as its subjects structural-level units of analysis or cases that are larger than observations of individual action and interaction. Even here, however, there is ambiguity, since it is quite possible to make observations on smaller units (e. g. , individuals) with the intention of analyzing (making inferences about) larger entities (e. g. , groups, classes). Also, the issue of where to draw the line remains. Rather than attempting to draw any hard-and-fast line delineating macro-level from micro-level phenomena, it is helpful to conceptualize a continuum of the subject matter of sociology with micro and macro defining two end points and with societal-level phenomena clearly placed at the macro pole. George Ritzer, for example, describes one level of social reality as a micro-macro continuum moving from individual thought and action through interaction, groups, organizations, and societies to culminate in world systems (Ritzer 1988, pp. 512-518). Since the macro end of the continuum focuses on social structure, it is important to clarify the use of this term. In a review essay, Neil Smelser (1988, pp. 103-129) describes structure as patterned relationships that emerge from the interaction of individuals or groups over time and space. Institutions and identifiable collectivities are the outcomes of systematically related structures of activities. Structure is dually defined as located in collective actors and in their interaction. Thus social class is an example of social structure, as are the relationships between classes whose locus is the economy. The study of social class and the study of the economy are examples of macrosociology. Other examples emerge from the macrosociological focus on large-scale structural arrangements and activities of a great number of individuals in large-scale geographical space over long periods of time. Thus macroscopic questions in sociology conventionally revolve around the largest social, spatial, and temporal processes, such as the rise and decline of civilizations; the origins and development of modern nation-states, social movements, and revolutions; and the origins and consequences of social, political, economic, and cultural transformations. Examples include the rise and spread of secular ideologies and religious belief systems, democratic transitions, and the nature and effects of large-scale institutions and organizations. Macro-level analysis is usually embedded in structural and conflict theories, and in studies of societal dynamics and epochal transformations of cultures and social structures. Topics are located within numerous subfields of sociology, including but not limited to stratification and inequality, resource mobilization, political and economic sociology, world systems, human evolution, and ecology. They are equally likely to cross or link disciplinary boundaries to incorporate history, geography, political economy, and anthropology. Historical Background The concern with macro-level phenomena is as old as the discipline of sociology and arguably is the primary motivation for the creation of classical sociological theory and research. The men generally accorded honored places in the pantheon of sociologys founders, such as Auguste Comte, Herbert Spencer, Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim, and Max Weber (and additional historical figures such as Alexis de Tocqueville), all included macro-level phenomena among their dominant concerns. The traditions they established retain their definitive role for the central issues of sociology in general and macrosociology in particular. The themes pursued by these and other classical theorists are found in subsequent theory and research. For example, the evolutionary perspectives on the development of human society advanced by early theorists have been modified, revised, and developed by contemporary evolutionary theorists such as Lenski (Lenski et al. 995) and in the modern functionalist and neo-functionalist theories of Talcott Parsons (1966), Niklas Luhmann (1982), and Jeffrey Alexander (1998). Marxs historical materialist explanation of the unfolding of capitalism has spawned numerous offspring, including dependency and world system theories (Amin 1976; Frank 1967; Wallerstein 1974), and studies of the rise of the modern state and class conflict by Moore (1966). Similarly, Webers comparative and historical studies of social stratification and the development of modern states are reflected in the works of Reinhard Bendix (1977; 1978), Theda Skocpol (1979) and Michael Mann (1986; 1993) Emile Durkheims analysis of the division of labor in modern societies as well as the sources of societal integration underlie all modernization theory and functional perspectives on race and ethnic relations, as well as most contemporary studies of occupational structures. Alexis de Tocquevilles comparative study of democracy has remained an inspirational source for contemporary theories of democracy and social change. In short, the macrosociological problems defined early in the history of sociology remain major focuses of current sociological research. Also located in these early works but often overlooked in subsequent interpretations is an issue that is the current central project of many social theorists: the links between macro- and micro-level phenomena. At least in the writings of Marx, Weber, and Durkheim, to a greater or lesser degree, efforts are made to connect individual and structural level activities in some coherent fashion. For example, Marx is often considered the quintessential macrosociologist, providing the foundation for much current macrosociology. Yet as Bertell Ollman (1976) and others point out, there is a distinct social psychology anchored in Marxs concept of alienation that in turn motivates and is motivated by his macro-level modes of productive relations and class conflict. This concern with linkage has often been ignored or forgotten in the distinctive development of different schools of sociological thought. After years of separate development and sometimes acrimonious debate, efforts to conduct research and develop social theories that include both ends of the micro-macro continuum now constitute a major agenda for many sociologists. Themes in Macrosociological Theory and Research Macrosociogical studies vary in both subject and theoretical orientation, but the two are closely related. For example, large-scale studies of single total societies or particular societal institutions often operate from a functionalist or systems perspective in which the effort is to understand how component parts fit together and serve larger social goals. On the other hand, studies of social change, either within a single society or across cultures, more often use one of the many variants of conflictMarxist, neo-Marxist, and Weberian perspectives. They do so because such theories are better equipped to explain conflict and change than the relatively static models promoted by functionalism, and because functionalism no longer dominates sociology. These are broad generalizations, however, which invite counterexample. Given the sweeping scope of macrosociology, it is not possible to provide comprehensive coverage of all the topics and theories subsumed under this approach. The next section will illustrate key concerns of macrosociologists by describing exemplary theory and research in some major areas of macrosociology. Societal Evolutionary Change. The numerous approaches to the study of societal change illustrate the diversity of sociological perspectives. At the most sweeping level, evolutionary theories take all human history and society as their subject, but there are numerous variants to this approach. For example, evolutionary theory has gone hand in hand with functionalism, as in the later work of Talcott Parsons on human societies (1966), which features the basic assumptions of evolutionary theory in terms of holism (the whole unit rather than its parts), universalism (natural and perpetual change), and unidirectionality (progressive and cumulative change). An idealist version of an evolutionary perspective can be found in Jurgen Habermas (1979), who uses an evolutionary model to explain the development of normative structures and forms of rationality. Alternatively, it has also taken a materialist form, as developed by anthropologists (Harris 1977) and a few sociologists (Lenski, 1966, Lenski et al. 1995), to explain inequality and uneven distribution of social resources. Another version of societal evolutionary change that deviates somewhat from the mainstream of progressive evolution are the cyclical dynamics of societal and cultural change proposed in works of Pitirim Sorokin (1962). Evolutionary analysis also was once popular in the fields of human ecology (Hawley 1971), modernization (Smelser 1964), and structural and cultural assimilation of different racial groups in modern society (Gordon 1964). Currently, there are relatively few sociologists who operate on this scale or who find it useful for analyzing more confined periods of historical change. Nevertheless, contemporary theories of human evolution have been influential in providing comparative evidence for the material and normative bases of different forms of social organization and for describing the broadest patterns of societal change. These include the distribution of societal goods and services, enduring forms of inequality (e. g. , patriarchy), and normative systems. Modernization and Development. Sociologists often limit their study of change to the emergence of modern industrial society, either to trace the paths taken by mature industrialized societies to reach their current state of development or to investigate the problems of developing nations. Here, too, different approaches emerge from different theoretical perspectives. Modernization theory, which until the 1960s dominated accounts of development and change, grew out of functionalism and evolutionary perspectives. In the version articulated by economist W. W. Rostow (1960), nonindustrial societies, through diffusion and a natural developmental sequence, were expected to follow a series of stages previously traversed by fully industrialized nations to attain the significant characteristics of modern societies considered prerequisites for development. This process required breaking from traditional social norms and values to build institutions based on modern values such as universalism, rationalization, and achievement orientation. Although today largely abandoned in favor of more historically and materially grounded theories, modernization theory was highly influential among both scholars and policy makers of the post-World War II era. In fact, it can be argued that the influence of modernization theory in part explains its repudiation, since students of and from emerging developing nations viewed it as an instrument of continued colonial domination and capitalist exploitation. Their search for tools to provide a better explanation for their disadvantaged and subordinate position in the international arena led to the adoption of Marxist-based models of dependency, underdevelopment, and world systems to replace modernization as the dominant approach to change and development within the modern era. As summarized by Peter Evans and John Stephens (1988, p. 740), these approaches turned the modernization theorists emphasis on diffusion . . . n its head, arguing instead that ties to core countries were a principal impediment to development. In an influential early formulation, dependency theorist Andre Gunder Frank (1967) maintained that the experience of most nonindustrial nations is explained by the development of underdevelopment. In other words, the exploitation of peripheral Third World nations by capital in the core, developed world increased the economic, social, and political misery experienced by the majority populations of those Third World countries. Alliances between local and international elites actively worked to defend the status quo distribution of power and privilege at the expense of peasant- and working-class majorities. Later versions refined the models of class conflict and competition or, as in the writings of Samir Amin (1976), elaborated the model of the relationships between center and periphery economies to show how underdevelopment grows out of the exploitive links between the two types of systems. All versions contribute to a refutation of the trajectory of development described by modernization theory. A more global approach to development issues was formulated by Immanuel Wallerstein (1974, 1980, 1988) and his followers. World system theory elaborates the Marxist model of economic domination into a system in which exploitation occurs worldwide. Wallerstein broadens the focus on class relations among and across nations to examine the development of an international division of labor in the capitalist world economy where core industrial nations exploit peripheral regions as sources of raw materials and labor. This approach has been both enormously influential and controversial, generating massive amounts of research on the model itself, particular spatial and historical portions of the world system, and particular subsectors and groups. A helpful overview that charts the intricacies of this perspective can be found in a text by Thomas Shannon (1989). The emphasis on First World as well as Third World development found in world-system theory provides a bridge to a slightly different tradition that focuses on the emergence of the core industrial nations and their political systems. Much of this literature is concerned with development of modern political as well as economic systems. For example, while Barrington Moores study (1966) of the transformation of agrarian societies into modern industrial states remains firmly anchored in a Marxist emphasis on class relations and productive systems, it is also concerned with the political roles played by antagonistic classes and the political outcomes of their confrontation. Numerous other studies pursue a similar comparative perspective on the upheavals that accompanied the emergence of modern Western industrial nations (cf. Tilly et al. 1975). One other type of study in this tradition deserves mention. These are studies of social and political change that occur within a particular society at various stages in the industrialization process. John Walton (1987) provides a convenient typology based on cross-classifying epochs and processes of industrialization. The resulting types range from protoindustrialization through deindustrialzation. Studies from early periods focus on the emergence of particular classes, on class conflict, and on the influence of classes on the historical development of modern nations, as in E. P. Thompsons and John Fosters influential accounts of English class formation (Thompson 1963; Foster 1974), Ron Aminzades analysis of nineteenth-century France (1984), and Herbert Gutmans studies of American class culture and conflict (1966). Influential studies of transitions in later periods of industrial development examine the consolidation of control of the labor process (Burawoy 1979; Edwards 1979), deindustrialization (Bluestone and Harrison 1982), informalization of labor markets (Portes et al. 989), and post-Fordist production systems (Mingione 1991). Finally, while beyond the scope of this review, there are also other important traditions that have strong links to one or the other approaches described above. One of these is found in a vast literature on social movements that has many points of intersection with the work on comparative and historical social and political change discussed here. Another is work that applies the theories of dependency and uneven development to regional development problems internal to particular societies. Finally, there are structural and poststructural approaches to the development of major social institutions and forms of repression, as found in the complex but influential work of Michel Foucault (1979, 1980, 1985). While this last example could as easily be classified under studies of social institutions and processes, it is included here because of its focus on changes in historical times that have produced modern social forms. State Formation and State Breakdown. The study of state formation and state breakdown has always been a central focus of macrosocial inquiry, especially in the area of comparative historical sociology. Studies of state formation examine the nature of state power and the processes by which it develops. While some sociologists have seen the state as emerging from internal dynamics of society, largely in terms of the interests and struggles of social classes, others have turned their attention to the external dynamics of society along with the market forces of the capitalist system. Tilly (1975, 1990) demonstrates that the modern states were created in the process of capital concentration and consolidated under the pressure of increased international military competition (war and preparation for war). Michael Mann (1986, 1993) examines the nature of power in human societies by focusing on the interrelations of four principal sources of social powereconomic, ideological, military, and political resourcesand relates them to the rise of city-states, militaristic empires, modern nation-states, and nationalism. Another important theory on the relations between the state and society is Robert Wuthnows (1989) analysis of how conflicts between the state, elites, and cultural entrepreneurs caused the great ideological movements to challenge the status quo in the development of modern society. Contemporary theory of revolution and state breakdown starts with Barrington Moore (1966) who proposed a model of agrarian class politics. Drawing upon both Marxian and Weberian theoretical perspectives, Skocpols (1979) breakthrough analysis introduced the state-centered theoretical paradigm of revolution in her case study of French, Russian, and Chinese revolutions. Treating the state as an autonomous entity, Skocpol argues that the state has its own military and fiscal interests, and that under certain circumstances, state interests necessarily are in deep conflict with the interests of social classes. State breakdown occurs when the state experiences high levels of fiscal crisis induced by strain on resources from both internal elite conflicts and external military pressure. In Skocpols theory, the state thus becomes the central actor and the location of crisis in revolutionary situations. This state-centered theme developed by Skocpol has been further expanded by Goldstone (1991), who uses a structural-demographic approach to indicate that the early modern boom in population led to strain on state resources associated with the taxation system and economic development. Goldstone argues that in a system tied to agricultural output, the agrarian state depends mainly on land taxes for revenue. As growing population places pressure on the agricultural economy, rising grain prices result in inflation that erodes state revenues, leads to higher taxes, and exacerbates elite conflict. Rising prices generate profits for some elites who are quick to take advantage of commercial opportunities, but hurts other elites who are slow to adjust and lag behind in social mobility. Revolution is the ultimate outcome of the states failure to meet its obligations. While Skocpols and Goldstones models emphasize either structural or demographic sources of strain on the state, interest in geopolitical principles and strains became increasingly prominent during the 1980s, inspired by Paul Kennedys analysis (1987) of the rise and fall of great powers. Randall Collinss geopolitical theory (1986, 1995) offers another route to state breakdown. Bringing in the Weberian principle that legitimacy of the governing apparatus at home depends on the states power and prestige abroad, Collinss analysis, given validation by his prediction of the collapse of the Soviet Union, demonstrates that a states geopolitical position has a crucial effect on its ability to mobilize critical resources and manage internal politics. In Collinss model, geopolitical strains result in inability to maintain fiscal health. A state that suffers the geopolitical disadvantage of being surrounded by multiple enemy states experiences logistical overextension and fiscal crisis, and thus tends to decline and disintegrate to the point of revolution and state fragmentation. Social Structures, Processes, and Institutions. The research described above incorporates investigation of many of the major social structures, processes, and institutions that form the core subject matter of sociology. Studying change in economic and political systems requires scrutiny of economies, polities, and other social institutions and their major organizational manifestations and constituencies. However, other theoretical and substantive approaches subsumed under macrosociology either have fallen outside the scope of these large-scale studies of social change and development or are at their periphery. Theoretical perspectives include relatively recent developments such as structural, poststructural, postmodern, and feminist theories. Important substantive areas are defined by cumulating empirical bases of knowledge about power structures; work structures; social stratification and mobility; labor markets; household and family arrangements; and the intersections of race, class, gender, and nationality. While it is impossible to survey each of these areas, the explosive growth of feminist theories to investigate both gender stratification and economic change and development provides a prime example of new influences on macrosociology. Feminist theorists argue that gender analysis must be integrated with class, race, ethnicity, nationality, and other sources of social cleavage, and that analyses that ignore the system of gender relations embedded in society are incomplete. Feminist theories have contributed to macrosociology by demonstrating how theories of social reproduction must be joined to theories of economic production to understand social life fully, thus delineating the ways patriarchy coexists with particular economic and political systems to explain the position of women in society. For example, the subordination of women is predicated on the allocation of tasks that exist outside formal labor markets such as household and reproductive labor and consumption activities as well as labor market work. Heidi Hartmanns early, influential, socialist feminist analysis of the intersection of capitalism and patriarchy (1981) explains womens disadvantaged status in both the labor market and the household in late capitalism as the outcome of an uneasy alliance between the two systems. With increasing demand for womens labor in the second half of the twentieth century, the intersection of the two systems has taken the form of the double and even the triple daythat is, women burdened by responsibility for formal labor market activity; household work; and, frequently, informal work as well. Similar insights from feminist perspectives have informed studies of developing nations and processes of industrialization and globalization. For example, Ester Boserups critique of conventional development theories (1970) demonstrates the pitfalls for development projects resulting from ignoring women, as well as the ways women have been marginalized by development scholars and practitioners. Numerous feminist scholars have built on this and related work, combining it with other theoretical perspectives such as world systems and globalization theories, to expand knowledge of the gendered social consequences of core nation exploitation of the periphery (Ward 1990) and the general pattern of ignoring women in large-scale societal accounting schemes (Beneria 1981). Postcolonial theories and Third World feminism further explore the intersections of race, class, and gender as they influence different populations in the global economy (Alexander and Mohanty 1997) Finally, the historical research of Louise Tilly and Joan Scott (1978), among others, has been important in an understanding of how the shift from household economies to wage labor affected working-class women and their families. Unfortunately, much of this work remains underutilized and unincorporated in the kind of macro-level analyses reviewed in previous sections, representing parallel developments rather than integrated studies of macrosocial processes. Research Methodology of Macrosocial Inquiry In the past decades, research methodology in macrosociology has been widely discussed among sociologists. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are used extensively, often in the same larger study. Virtually any methodological tool available to social science is found in macrosocial analysis, ranging from survey research to hermeneutic inquiry. Quantitative approaches include quantification of documentary and archival data, such as analysis of the lists of grievances, or cahiers de doleances (Markoff 1996); analysis of official socioeconomic, demographic, and political data aggregated for larger geopolitical units such as counties, states, or nations; time series of such data for a single state or nation; and standard survey research techniques interpreted to represent structural and contextual process (Coleman et al. 970). Trend analysis using survey data is one method frequently used by sociologists to establish long-term patterns of change by examining historical change in statistical data. Quantitative methods that use longitudinal designs of panel and cohort analyses to conduct observations at two or more points in time have been extensively employed in the assessment of social change and development at the local, national, and global levels. Historical and comparative methods are featured prominently in macrosociological analysis and have been consistently used by the most prominent classical and contemporary sociologists. This approach develops ideal-typical case studies of large-scale organizations, nations, and civilizations across time and space. Thus, social and cultural differences manifest in temporal processes and contexts are the focal point of macrohistorical studies that, as Skocpol (1984, p. ) summarizes: (1) address processes over time, and take temporal sequences seriously in accounting for outcomes, (2) attend to the interplay of meaningful actions and structural contexts in order to make sense of the unfolding of unintended as well as intended outcomes in individual lives and social transformations, and (3) highlight the particular and varying features of specific kinds of social structures and patterns of change. In the existing literature on macrosociological research, historical and comparative methods, with their focus on case studies devoted to understanding the nature and effects of large-scale structures and fundamental processes of change, have proven to be an effective approach to macrosociological explanations of macrosocial phenomena. While most historical and comparative research still involves qualitative analyses using available documents and records, more and more research attempts to employ both qualitative and quantitative approaches. In advocating moving beyond qualitative and quantitative strategies Charles Ragin (1987) points out that, in macrosociological analysis, there are two basic strategies: the case-oriented strategy and the variable-oriented strategy. The former is very much evidence oriented, while the latter is theory centered. The goals of case-oriented investigation, with its extensive use of ideal types, often are both historically interpretive and causally analytic. Investigators who used case-oriented strategies often want to understand or interpret specific cases because of their intrinsic values (Ragin 1987, p. 5). Work by Bendix (1977, 1978) exemplifies this approach. Unlike the case-oriented strategy, the variable-oriented strategy tests hypotheses derived from theory, often using quantitative techniques such as multivariate statistical analysis. In macrosocial analysis, a typical variable-oriented study examines relationships between general features of social structures conceived as variabl es. Social units, such as nation-states, have structural features which interact in the sense that changes in some features produce changes in other features, which in turn may produce changes in others (Ragin 1987, p. 5). For example, a cross-national study of modernization by Delacroix and Ragin (1978) is a typical example of variable-oriented research, and this approach has remained quite popular in the study of development issues as well as in macro-level studies of organizations. Each of these two strategies has its strengths and weaknesses. The case-oriented research enables investigators to comprehend diversity and address complexity by examining causal processes more directly in historical and comparative context. In variable-oriented research, by contrast, generality is given precedence over complexity when investigators are able to digest large numbers of cases. In some macrosociological studies, scholars combine the two approaches, as in Jeffrey Paiges Agrarian Revolution (1975). The Future of Macrosociology Macroscopic analysis of human society stands as a foundational area of research in sociology, and it is safe to predict that it will continue to grow and expand its scope of inquiry. In an increasingly global economy, marked by shifting boundaries and allegiances, and linked by rapidly advancing communications and information technology, there will be pressing need for explanation and analysis of the major historical and contemporary social movements and upheavals. Events of state formation, transition, and breakdown; revolution and devolution; conflicts based on gender, race, ethnicity, religion, region, and class; global movements of populations; and numerous other large-scale processes that increasingly mark the post-cold war era will provide the raw materials for scholarly and policy relevant analysis. At the same time, in the interests of advancing social theory, sociologists will continue to seek ways to link macroprocesses to microprocesses. One of the perennial debates that surfaces among sociologists is whether macroprocesses or microprocesses have primacy in explaining social life. A variant revolves around the issue of whether microprocesses can be derived from macroprocesses or vice versa. Those who believe that the macro has causal priority risk being labeled structural determinists. Those who think that macrophenomena can be derived from microprocesses are dismissed as reductionists. Quite often an uneasy truce prevails in which practitioners of the two types of sociology go their own ways, with little interaction or mutual influence. Despite pendulum swings that alternately emphasize one approach over the other, there are ongoing efforts to construct theory and conduct research built on genuine principles of micro-macro linkage. These have come form a variety of theoretical traditions and perspectives, including those with both macro and micro foundations. While many of these efforts ultimately result in de facto claims for theoretical primacy of one or the other approach, they nonetheless represent an interesting effort to create uniform and widely applicable sociological theory (Huber 1991). Ultimately, most of the efforts to integrate micro and macro levels reflect the initial concerns of the theorist. For example, Randall Collinss efforts (1998) begin with a microfocus on interaction to derive macrophenomena, while neofunctionalist Jeffrey Alexander (1985) gives primacy to subjective forms of macrophenomena. Perhaps the most highly developed integrative effort is found in Anthony Giddenss theory of structuration (1984) in which social structure is defined as both constraining and enabling human activity, as well as being both internal and external to the actor. The efforts to link microphenomena and macrophenomena are mirrored in a growing body of empirical research. Such work appears to follow Giddenss view of the constraining and enabling nature of social structure for human activity and the need to link structure and action. It appears safe to say that, while macrosociology will always remain a central component of sociological theory and research, increasing effort will be devoted to creating workable models that link it with its micro counterpart. References Alexander, M. 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Bluestone, Barry, and Bennet Harrison 1982 The Deindustrialization of America: Plant Closings, Community Abandonment, and the Dismantling of Basic Industry. New York: Basic Books. Boserup, Easter 1970 Womens Role in Economic Development. New York: St. Martins Press. Burawoy, Michael 1979 Manufacturing Consent: Cha nges in the Labor Process under Monopoly Capital. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Coleman, James S. , Amitai Etzioni, and John Porter 1970 Macrosociology: Research and Theory. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Collins, Randall 1986 Future Decline of the Russian Empire. In Randall Collins, ed. , Weberian Sociological Theory. New York: Cambridge University Press. -1995 Prediction in Macrosociological Theory: The Case of the Soviet Collapse. American Journal of Sociology 100: 1552-1593. -1988 The Micro Contribution to Macro Sociology. Sociological Theory 6:242-253. Delacroix, Jacques, and Charles Ragin 1978 Modernizing Institutions, Mobilization, and Third World Development: A Cross-National Study. American Journal of Sociology 84:123-150. Edwards, Richard 1979 Contested Terrain: The Transformation of the Workplace in the Twentieth Century. New York: Basic Books. Evans, Peter, and John Stephens 1988 Development and the World Economy. In Neil Smelser, ed. , Handbook of Sociology. Newbury Park, Calif. : Sage. Foster, John 1974 Class Struggle and the Industrial Revolution: Early Industrial Capitalism in Three English Towns. London: Weidenfeld and Nicholson. Foucault, Michel 1979 Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. New York: Vintage. -1980 The History of Sexuality, Volume 1: An Introduction. New York: Vintage. -1985 The History of Sexuality, Volume 2: The Uses of Pleasure. New York: Pantheon. Frank, Andre Gunder 1967 Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America. New York: Monthly Review Press. 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Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard University Press.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Promotional mix free essay sample

Introduction: The marketing mix is a business tool used in marketing and by marketing professionals. The marketing mix is often crucial when determining a product or brands offering, and is often synonymous with the four Ps: price, product, promotion, and place; in service marketing, however, the four Ps have been expanded to the Seven Ps or Eight Ps to address the different nature of services. Definition: The definition that many marketers learn as they start out in the industry is: Putting the right product in the right place, at the right price, at the right time. The marketing mix refers to the set of actions, or tactics, that a company uses to promote its brand or product in the market. The 4Ps make up a typical marketing mix. When marketing their products firms need to create a successful mix of: the right product sold at the right price in the right place using the most suitable promotion. We will write a custom essay sample on Promotional mix or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page To create the right marketing mix, businesses have to meet the following conditions: The product has to have the right features for example, it must look good and work well. The price must be right. Consumer will need to buy in large numbers to produce a healthy profit. The goods must be in the right place at the right time. Making sure that the goods arrive when and where they are wanted is an important operation. The target group needs to be made aware of the existence and availability of the product through promotion. Successful promotion helps a firm to spread costs over a larger output. 1.Product: (refers to the item actually being sold) A product is seen as an item that satisfies what a consumer demands. It is a tangible good or an intangible service. For example good will for intangible. Tangible products are those that have an independent physical existence. Typical examples of mass-produced, tangible objects are the motor car and the disposable razor. A less obvious but ubiquitous mass-produced service is a computer operating system. The marketer must also consider the product mix. Marketers can expand the current product mix by increasing a certain product lines depth or by increasing the number of product lines. Marketers should consider the features and benefits you offer, your unique selling points (What makes your product/service different from everyone elses) and what potential spin-off products of services might be. Marketers should consider how to position the product, how to exploit the brand, how to exploit the companys resources and how to configure the product mix so that each product complements the other. The marketer must also consider product development strategies. 2.Price: (refers to the value that is put for a product/ the amount a customer pays for the product) Price is a critical part and is very important of your marketing mix as it determines the companys profit and hence, survival. Choosing the right price for your products or services will help you to maximise profits and also build strong relationships with your customers. By pricing effectively you will also avoid the serious financial consequences that can occur if you price too low (not enough profit) or too high (not enough sales). When setting a price, the marketer must be aware of the customer perceived value for the product. Your overall pricing strategy will depend on your marketing, business and lifestyle objectives. Three basic pricing strategies are: 1. market skimming pricing, 2. market penetration pricing and 3. neutral pricing. The reference value (where the consumer refers to the prices of competing products) and the differential value (the consumers view of this products attributes versus the attributes of other products) must be taken into account. 3.Place: (refers to the point of sale/ refers to providing the product at a place which is convenient for consumers to access) In every industry, catching the eye of the consumer and making it easy for her to buy it is the main aim of a good distribution or place strategy. Whether its a retail store, online shop or on social media place refers to the channels and locations for distributing your product, related information and support services. This is how you will position your product or service in the marketplace. Place represents the location where a product can be purchased. It is often referred to as the distribution channel. This may include any physical store (supermarket, departmental stores) as well as virtual stores (such as ebay) on the Internet. Being in the right location can be a deciding factor in whether a customer buys from you or not. To find out where your ideal customer is buying from its worth doing some market research. 4.Promotion: (this refers to all the activities undertaken to make the product or service known to the user and trade) Promotion is the business of communicating with customers. It will provide information that will assist them in making a decision to purchase a product or service. How do you promote and market your business now (or intend to)? Regardless of how good your business is, if you don’t promote it and tell people you exist, it’s unlikely you will make many sales. Compare what your competitors do for promotion, noting what does and doesn’t work for them as well as yourself. Promotion is more than selling and advertising your business. It’s about attracting the right people to use and reuse your business. There are a number of techniques to use and they can be combined in various ways to create the most cost effective strategy for your needs. This can include online, branding, public relations and advertising. The additional elements that make up your marketing strategy are- 5.People: (the employees of the organization with whom customers come into contact) Every employee in your business (if you have them) can influence the marketing of your products and services. Knowledgeable and friendly staff can contribute to creating satisfied customers, and can provide the unique selling experience that an organisation is often seeking. If an outstanding team provides a competitive advantage, then the quality of recruitment and training becomes essential to achieving your marketing objectives. Make sure you have processes and training in place to get the most out of your team. 6.Process: Process represents the buying experience the customer gets when they buy your product or service. For example, the way a fine bottle of wine is presented and served in a restaurant, the reaction of a business to a complaint or the speed of delivery in a fast food outlet. A poor process can undermine the other elements of the marketing mix. Budget airlines, for example, may offer very competitive headline prices, but if the final price is inflated by additional charges such as baggage charges and administrative fees, customers may begin to feel they have been taken advantage of. Try to document your key processes and procedures so your staff and suppliers know what to aim for. 7.Physical evidence: (pertains to how you, your products, or your company is presented in the market place) The physical environment where your products or services are sold and delivered can have a significant impact on how your customers experience your business. The physical environment can be the quality of the furnishings in your consulting rooms, the design of your reception area or website. Creating a positive physical environment doesn’t have to be costly – a vase full of fresh flowers or a creative window display can make a big difference. Many marketing specialists are now seeing the 4Ps as too product-oriented and have adopted the 4Cs marketing mix. In recent times, the concept of four Cs has been introduced as a more customer-driven replacement of four Ps. And there are two four Cs theories today. One is Lauterborns four Cs- (consumer, cost, communication, convenience), another is Shimizus four Cs- (commodity, cost, communication, channel). Pcategory C category C definition Product Consumer Products are likely to produce as consumer orientation. Price Cost reflecting the total cost of ownership. Many factors affect Cost, including but not limited to the customers cost to change or implement the new product or service and the customers cost for not selecting a competitors product or service. Promotion Communication represents a broader focus. Communications can include advertising, public relations, personal selling, viral advertising, and any form of communication between the organization and the consumer. Place (Distribution) Convenience With the rise of Internet and hybrid models of purchasing, Place is becoming less relevant. Convenience takes into account the ease of buying the product, finding the product, finding information about the product, and several other factors. Robert F. Lauterborn proposed a four Cs classification in 1993[7] which is a more consumer-oriented version of the four Ps that attempts to better fit the movement from mass marketing to niche marketing: After Koichi Shimizu proposed a four Cs classification in 1973, this was expanded to the Seven Cs Compass Model to provide a more complete picture of the nature of marketing in 1981. It attempts to explain the success or failure of a firm within a market and is somewhat analogous to Michael Porters diamond model, which tries to explain the success and failure of different countries economically. P category C category C definition Product Commodity It is not product out. The goods and services for the consumers or citizens. Price Cost There is not only producing cost and selling cost but purchasing cost and social cost. Promotion Communication Marketing communication : Not only promotion but communication is important. Communications can include advertising, sales promotion, public relations, publicity, personal selling, corporate identity. Place Promotional mix free essay sample Introduction: The marketing mix is a business tool used in marketing and by marketing professionals. The marketing mix is often crucial when determining a product or brands offering, and is often synonymous with the four Ps: price, product, promotion, and place; in service marketing, however, the four Ps have been expanded to the Seven Ps or Eight Ps to address the different nature of services. Definition: The definition that many marketers learn as they start out in the industry is: Putting the right product in the right place, at the right price, at the right time. The marketing mix refers to the set of actions, or tactics, that a company uses to promote its brand or product in the market. The 4Ps make up a typical marketing mix. To create the right marketing mix, businesses have to meet the following conditions: The product has to have the right features for example, it must look good and work well. We will write a custom essay sample on Promotional mix or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The price must be right. Consumer will need to buy in large numbers to produce a healthy profit. The goods must be in the right place at the right time. Making sure that the goods arrive when and where they are wanted is an important operation. The target group needs to be made aware of the existence and availability of the product through promotion. Successful promotion helps a firm to spread costs over a larger output. 1.Product: (refers to the item actually being sold) A product is seen as an item that satisfies what a consumer demands. It is a tangible good or an intangible service. For example good will for intangible. Tangible products are those that have an independent physical  existence. Typical examples of mass-produced, tangible objects are the motor car and the disposable razor. A less obvious but ubiquitous mass-produced service is a computer operating system. The marketer must also consider the product mix. Marketers can expand the current product mix by increasing a certain product lines depth or by increasing the number of product lines. Marketers should consider the features and benefits you offer, your unique selling points (What makes your product/service different from everyone elses) and what potential spin-off products of services might be. Marketers should consider how to position the product, how to exploit the brand, how to exploit the companys resources and how to configure the product mix so that each product complements the other. The marketer must also consider product development strategies. 2.Price: (refers to the value that is put for a product/ the amount a customer pays for the product) Price is a critical part and is very important of your marketing mix as it determines the companys profit and hence, survival. Choosing the right price for your products or services will help you to maximise profits and also build strong relationships with your customers. By pricing effectively you will also avoid the serious financial consequences that can occur if you price too low (not enough profit) or too high (not enough sales). When setting a price, the marketer must be aware of the customer perceived value for the product. Your overall pricing strategy will depend on your marketing, business and lifestyle objectives. Three basic pricing strategies are: 1. market skimming pricing, The reference value (where the consumer refers to the prices of competing products) and the differential value (the consumers view of this products attributes versus the attributes of other products) must be taken into account. 3.Place: (refers to the point of sale/ refers to providing the product at a place which is convenient for consumers to access) In every industry,  catching the eye of the consumer and making it easy for her to buy it is the main aim of a good distribution or place strategy. Whether its a retail store, online shop or on social media place refers to the channels and locations for distributing your product, related information and support services. This is how you will position your product or service in the marketplace. Place represents the location where a product can be purchased. It is often referred to as the distribution channel. This may include any physical store (supermarket, departmental stores) as well as virtual stores (such as ebay) on the Internet. Being in the right location can be a deciding factor in whether a customer buys from you or not. To find out where your ideal customer is buying from its worth doing some market research. 4.Promotion: (this refers to all the activities undertaken to make the product or service known to the user and trade) Promotion is the business of communicating with customers. It will provide information that will assist them in making a decision to purchase a product or service. How do you promote and market your business now (or intend to)? Regardless of how good your business is, if you don’t promote it and tell people you exist, it’s unlikely you will make many sales. Compare what your competitors do for promotion, noting what does and doesn’t work for them as well as yourself. Promotion is more than selling and advertising your business. It’s about attracting the right people to use and reuse your business. There are a number of techniques to use and they can be combined in various ways to create the most cost effective strategy for your needs. This can include online, branding, public relations and advertising. The additional elements that make up your marketing strategy are- 5.People: (the employees of the organization with whom customers come into contact) Every employee in your business (if you have them) can influence the marketing of your products and services. Knowledgeable and friendly staff can contribute to creating satisfied customers, and can provide the unique selling experience that an organisation is often seeking. If an outstanding team provides a competitive advantage, then the quality of recruitment and  training becomes essential to achieving your marketing objectives. Make sure you have processes and training in place to get the most out of your team. 6.Process: Process represents the buying experience the customer gets when they buy your product or service. For example, the way a fine bottle of wine is presented and served in a restaurant, the reaction of a business to a complaint or the speed of delivery in a fast food outlet. A poor process can undermine the other elements of the marketing mix. Budget airlines, for example, may offer very competitive headline prices, but if the final price is inflated by additional charges such as baggage charges and administrative fees, customers may begin to feel they have been taken advantage of. Try to document your key processes and procedures so your staff and suppliers know what to aim for. 7.Physical evidence: (pertains to how you, your products, or your company is presented in the market place) The physical environment where your products or services are sold and delivered can have a significant impact on how your customers experience your business. The physical environment can be the quality of the furnishings in your consulting rooms, the design of your reception area or website. Creating a positive physical environment doesn’t have to be costly – a vase full of fresh flowers or a creative window display can make a big difference. Many marketing specialists are now seeing the 4Ps as too product-oriented and have adopted the 4Cs marketing mix. In recent times, the concept of four Cs has been introduced as a more customer-driven replacement of four Ps. And there are two four Cs theories today. One is Lauterborns four Cs- (consumer, cost, communication, convenience), another is Shimizus four Cs- (commodity, cost, communication, channel). Communication represents a broader focus. Communications can include advertising, public relations, personal selling, viral advertising, and any form of communication between the organization and the consumer. Place (Distribution) Convenience With the rise of Internet and hybrid models of purchasing, Place is becoming less relevant. Convenience takes into account the ease of buying the product, finding the product, finding information about the product, and several other factors. Robert F. Lauterborn proposed a four Cs classification in 1993[7] which is a more consumer-oriented version of the four Ps that attempts to better fit the movement from mass marketing to niche marketing: After Koichi Shimizu proposed a four Cs classification in 1973, this was expanded to the Seven Cs Compass Model to provide a more complete picture of the nature of marketing in 1981. It attempts to explain the success or failure of a firm within a market and is somewhat analogous to Michael Porters diamond model, which tries to explain the success and failure of different countries economically. P category Promotional Mix free essay sample Explain what promotional Mix is and what each thing does. Promotion mix elements are advertising, sales promotions, public relations, personal selling, and direct marketing. Promotion mix is when a company’s promotion strategy focuses on more than one element, so the challenge is to integrate these different communication tools in an effective way. To be sure promotion mixes works with the overall marketing mix, thereby combining elements of promotion with place, price, and product to position the firm’s offering in peoples minds. Promotion mix is broken down into three parts Mass Appeals (advertising, sales promotion, and public relations), Personal Appeals (personal selling and direct marketing), and Buzz Appeals (word of mouth). Mass Appeals Advertising is nonpersonal communication from an identified sponsor using the mass media. Advertising can establish and reinforce a distinctive brand identity. That helps marketers bond with customers and boost sales. Advertising can also be very expensice, so firms must ensure that their messages are effective. We will write a custom essay sample on Promotional Mix or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Adversiting is the highest extent of marketers control over communication. Sales promotions includes programs such as contests, coupons, or other incentives that marketers design to build intrested in or encourage purchases of a product during a specified period. Sales promotion provide retailers with incentives to support brands, and build excitement for retailers and consumers. Side effects of sales promotions is that it doesn’t focus on brand loyality, and the number of competing promotions may make it hard to break through the promotional clutter. Public relations is a communication activites that create or maintain a positive image of a firm and its products. Public relations is relatively has low cost and has high credibility. The effects on public relations is that it is a poor message control, which means it has no gurrantee that message will even reach the target. This makes it difficult to track the results. -Personal Appeals Personal selling is direct interaction between a company representative and a customer. Personal selling is direct contact with the customer and gives the salesperson the opportunity to be flexible, so they can modify the sales message to coincide with the customer’s needs. Also, personal selling can get immediate feedback from the customers. The bad effects to personal appeals is a high cost per contact with customers. Difficult to ensure consistency of message when it is delivered by many different company representatives. Direct marketing is the efforts to gain a direct response from individual consumers. Direct marking can target specific groups of potential customers with different offers. Markets can easlity measure the results, and can provide extensive information and multiple offers with a single appeal. Also, direct marketing can collect information for a company marketing database. The downfalls to direct markerting is consumers may have negative opinion of some type of direct marketing, and also, direct marketing cost more per contact than mass appeals. -Buzz Appeals- Buzz appeal is a type of promotion mix, which has the lowest extent of marketer’s control over communication. Buzz appeals is a clutter of types of promotional mix. Word-of-mouth the act of consumer creating and distributing marketing- relevant information to another consumer. Word-of-mouth marketing is an effort by an organization to affect how consumers create and distribute marketing-relevant information to another consumer. Buzz marketing is using high-profile entertainment or news to get people to talk about their brand. Viral marketing is creating entertaining or informative message designed to be passed along in an exponential fashion, often electronically or by e-mail. Guerrilla marketing is an â€Å"ambush† to consumers with promotional content in every place they are not expecting to encounter this kind of activity. Experiential marketing is marketing technique that helps to connect consumers actual interact with there brand, so they can make a more informed purchased decision. Consumer-generated media is opions, comments, and product-related stories avaiable to others consumers through digital media. Bad side effects to the buzz marketing is that activities are designed to decieve consumers, direct advertising mostly at young adults, damanges property, stealth marketing activities deliberately deceive or lie on behalf of clients, and online SPAM is used.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

buy custom The Event Management Business essay

buy custom The Event Management Business essay As companies, businesses and corporations continue to grow in size and spread in different locations, the need to hold meetings and conferences regularly has become a growing challenge. This is not just due to lack of time available for such events, but also due to huge geographical distances between participants as well as the cost of bringing the parties together (Jude, 2000). This essay will explore the possible future of large face-to-face meetings in view of existing virtue meeting technologies with the cost factor as the main item. Virtual Meetings Virtue meetings are events that successfully bring participants together without having to be in the same room. Virtue meetings can take many forms, like voice conferencing (call confernces), video conferencing, internet chat rooms (where participants all have access to internet connected computers and sufficient keyboard skills) (Turban, 2008). Software developers have progressively increased applications usable for virtual events, a famous example being the Skype. Others like the Second life, WebEx, and enables low end users to access virtual services. As the costs of physical meetings continue to increase, companies across the globe have found it easier and convenient in adapting to virtue meetings. According to a study done in 2010 by the AEBT (American Express Business Travel), about 76 percent of the organisations now prefer virtual meetings than the physical ones (Jude, 2000). However, virtual meetings are not without their shortcomings, like content may not be delivered as intended in a virtual interface,, or can be misinteerpreted. There is also an evident pensiveness due to lack of control factors, which would be there in a closed location event. In goal oriented, performance driven meetings however, it can be deduced that parties are unlikely to become pensive to avoid reduced productivity. Conclusion As one compares the pros and cons of virtual technology, it seems safe to expect that large face-to-face meetings will progressively be phased out by virtual ones, more notably in the technology endowed markets and large corporations with broadband options than in the low end technology challenged regions (Turban, 2008). Generally, Information Technology will continue to get better, thus making virtual meetings more prevalent as compared to other forms of meetings, such as face-to-face among others. Buy custom The Event Management Business essay

Sunday, February 23, 2020

LIFE EXPERIENCES ESSAY; Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

LIFE EXPERIENCES ; - Essay Example That is one of the most important life lessons that I have learned. This experience has informed my application to the college. I have had many obstacles in my life, but I’ve persevered through them. They’ve shaped my personality but not overcome it. I remember how much my parents valued education; that kept the flame of a better life living on within me. Today, I do my best to strive towards excellence with obstacles knocking every day at the door. My mother and father have been a major inspiration in my life. Their stories are the basis to my life and they allow me to know how far they have risen from; they teach me to focus not only on my current state, but to yearn for more. Their stories taught me how to be mature and to realize that no matter how life gets you down, you have to get back up again and fight for your dreams and what you believe in. That is the most important lesson of my life. I do my best to always remember it. Next to my family, pharmacy is the most important thing in my life. I live, breathe, and sleep it. Throughout my education I have worked hard to establish good analytical and critical thinking capability. I have big plans and big dreams which I want to fulfil. I know in my heart I will achieve them. An pharmacy degree would be the first step in accomplishing my goals in my plan. My plan is to get an pharmacy degree to benefit younger pharmacy students and future generations. All we really do in life is pass on our accomplishment to our children in order to make their lives a little bit easier. I would do anything for my parents to make them proud of me, because they have done a lot for me and I really owe them. Part of my plan to make them proud is to earn entry into the pharmacy college. But I am not doing it for them alone, I am also doing it for me and for my future. I believe in my future with all my heart. So much can be accomplished when one

Friday, February 7, 2020

Case Study 10.1 - Project Scheduling at Blanque Cheque Construction - 1

10.1 - Project Scheduling at Blanque Cheque Construction - Case Study Example A project manager may make use of the below approaches to estimate how long a project will last, rather than basing it on how long he is pressured to make it last. The expert opinion uses the consensus method to arrive at an estimate. The project manager will engage the services of at least three experts who have an understanding of the type of project to be undertaken or have managed similar projects before (Kerzner 6). After a briefing by the project manager on the project requirements, the experts discuss it among themselves and each submits their own separate estimates according to their understanding. Each produces a task list containing effort estimates for each task. The project manager then hands back a list of the estimates to the experts without revealing to which one of them each belongs. He asks the experts to consider the risks and estimates of the others’ results and recalculate their work. The experts then discuss the project to determine if any assumptions or issues have changed after the last discussion. After studying the combined estimates, the experts revise their estimates and submit the results independently again. If the discrepancies are still not practical, the project manager hands the results back again, or invites more experts. The aim is to make the difference between the lowest and the highest estimates as low as possible. The cycle may be repeated severally until most of the results are in or close to agreement. Once in agreement, an average of the experts’ estimates is used as the project duration. However, rather than spending much time on the estimation procedure, the project manager may use the results of several experts in the early stages. For example, if three experts determined the estimate as 2000 hours and one estimated at 4000 hours, he may need to ignore the overestimated duration but with the knowledge that he bears the risk of the duration accepted actually doubling. Past history is one of

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Campaign Strategy Essay Example for Free

Campaign Strategy Essay 1) What are the goals of the campaign? 2) What questions need to be answered to reach those goals? This is a list of general campaign questions to help start your research process. These are not research questions. Each general campaign question should generate a list of more specific research questions. For example, What is the issue/problem? could lead to the question, What is the history of lead poisoning in our community? General questions to ask about a campaign: 1. What is the issue/problem? (Understand their arguments. ) 2. What are the solutions or alternatives? (Develop our arguments.) 3. Who else is trying to change the problem, how effective are they, and what are their solutions? (Potential allies. Locate a niche. Avoid obstacles and duplication of effort.) 4. Who can implement those solutions? Who has the power? (The Targets) 5. What kind of campaign would it take to convince them? (Feasibility test.) A. How long would victory take? What are the time constraints? B. What are tactics and paths to a victory? C. What are the opportunities or obstacles? D. What has worked for other organizations on similar campaigns? 6. Who are the other players? A. Who would support change? (Allies) B. Who opposes change? (Opposition) C. Who could become allies/opposition, but are currently neutral? 7. Does our base have the power and resources to win this campaign? 8. Will this campaign build our movement, base, or organization? WHAT IS A CAMPAIGN STRATEGY? A campaign can be seen as an organised, purposeful effort to create change, and it should be guided by thoughtful planning. Before taking action, successful campaigners learn as much as possible about: * the existing situation * who is affected by the campaign issue both positively and negatively * what changes could improve the situation * what resources, tactics and tools are available to implement a campaign that will address the issue. Campaigners use this knowledge to create their strategy, which guides them in planning, implementing, marketing, monitoring, improving and evaluating their campaign. A campaign strategy should answer the †¨following questions: Problem, Vision, Change 1. What problem are you confronting? 2. What is your vision of how the world will be, once the problem is resolved? 3. What change/s would bring about this vision? Stakeholders, Relationships,Targets 4. Who is affected, positively or negatively, by the problem? 5. How are these people or groups related to the problem and to each other? 6. Who are you trying to reach? 7. If your campaign is successful, who will be affected? Answering key questions repeatedly, at each stage of your campaign, about the problem, solution, stakeholders and targets as well as the tactics, message and tools you will use, will help develop your campaign strategy. Your campaign strategy will guide what you do and it should be updated regularly as the campaign is implemented and the situation changes. CREATE A COMMON VISION Its useful to involve your whole campaigning group in exploring the problem, your vision and the changes sought: a shared understanding of the problem will stimulate ideas about possible actions to take, and will also help your group to stay motivated and focussed during the campaign. Creating a common vision will also help determine ways to monitor, and adjust the implementation of, the campaign if necessary. Activity 1: PROBLEM SOLUTION CHANGE 1. Discuss and decide, as a group, what core problem your campaign seeks to address. Elaborate all the adverse effects of this problem. 2. Each person in the group should create their own answer to the following question: What would a world without this problem be like? * Use words, diagrams, illustrations. * Imagine unlimited resources (money, power, etc). * Discuss and enumerate all the benefits of this proposed world. 3. Combine your individual visions of the future to create a single common vision for the campaign. Discuss in depth which broad actions or changes would resolve the problem you identified, so as to arrive at the world you have envisioned. These necessary actions are the main focus of your campaign. Discuss the scope of your campaign: decide whether it has multiple components (sub-campaigns). If it does, you may choose either to narrow the focus of your campaign or create a multiple-campaign strategy. UNDERSTAND THE CAMPAIGNS STAKEHOLDERS Stakeholders are people, groups, organisations, or institutions that are connected to your issue. They may support your campaign, be adversely affected by the issue in question, have the power to change the situation, or even be responsible for the problem you have identified. An important task when designing your campaign is to learn as much about the stakeholders as possible. You should: * Understand each stakeholders relationship to the problem and your proposed solution * Define the relationships between different stakeholders * Determine the ability and willingness of stakeholders to help or hurt your campaign * Identify which of these stakeholders your campaign should concentrate on to create the change your desire. Activity 2: MAPPING STAKEHOLDERS AND THEIR RELATIONSHIPS Start creating a map in which entities with a stake in your issue are represented as circles, or nodes, and lines between these circles represent relationships. It is good to use sticky papers (post-it notes) for this activity because they can be moved about as required. 1. Discuss the interaction that is at the root of the problem your campaign wants to address. Who creates the problem? Who is affected by it? How and why are these entities connected to one another? 2. Continue, taking notes as you go along, until you can identify the interaction between entities (nodes) that most represents what you seek to change. 3. Identify all of the nodes between which this kind of interaction is happening. 4. Place these nodes at the center of your map. 5. Identify the relationships of these central nodes with others nodes on your map. Start locally and move outward regionally, nationally, internationally and globally, if relevant. Depending on your problem, expand your map with two or more levels of nodes (marking these in a clear way): * First level: entities with direct contact to the central nodes (family / local) * Second level: entities with contact to the first level (regional / national) * Third level: nodes with general influence on the issue (international / institutional) 6. Next, draw lines representing relationships between these nodes and identify the kind of relationship they have; for example: * Power * Mutual benefit * Conflict * Potential After mapping out as many stakeholders as you can, you will have a graphic representation of your stakeholders relationships with your issue. Next you should analyse how your stakeholders may help achieve the change/s you seek. For more information on how to do this, see New Tactics in Human Rights Tactical Mapping. Activity 3: FROM STAKEHOLDERS TO TARGETS Begin defining specific objective/s of your campaign. Consider each stakeholders level of support and level of influence in the context of your campaign objective/s. 1. In simple, active terms, define what would resolve your problem and bring about the change you seek. Your objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound. 2. Using the list of the stakeholders from the previous activity, identify as many as possible who could help achieve your objective. 3. Draw a horizontal and a vertical axis on a large sheet of blank paper (shown here). Place the stakeholders as follows: * The vertical axis represents their level of influence in achieving the goal of your objective from most influential (top) to least influential (bottom). * The horizontal axis represents whether they are likely to oppose (left) or support (right) your campaign. 4. After you place all the stakeholders on the paper, identify the most influential entities or individuals as potential primary targets, those who can make the change you seek. Note their level of support or opposition for this change. 5. Discuss the relationship of these entities to other stakeholders. You may already have this information on your stakeholder map from Activity 2. 6. Identify stakeholders who support your campaign and have influence on or relationships with your primary target group. They are your secondary targets, or participant groups, who could become actively involved in helping your campaign achieve its goals. Locate them on your graph and identify two or three participant groups to concentrate on. (Adapted from The Change Agencys Power Mapping exercise.) Activity 4: FROM TARGETS TO TACTICS Now you have identified the target audiences that your campaign needs to communicate with, and what relationships they have with other entities with a stake in the problem, you can consider what tactics will best address your target and participant groups? 1. Draw a half-circle, divided into wedges. Place those who most support your campaign on the left side of the spectrum; those who oppose you the most on the right. 2. Use your maps and sticky papers, placing each target and stakeholder in a wedge according to their level of support for your cause. The result is a spectrum of stakeholders, a few of whom you have identified as primary or secondary targets. A five-wedge diagram would include the following: a. Active allies: supportive and motivated to achieve your goals b. Allies: may benefit from your success c. Neutral parties: may not be involved or affected currently d. Opponents: may suffer from your success e. Active opponents: actively interfere with your activities 3. Use this diagram to help decide which tactics to consider, depending on each stakeholders location on the spectrum. For example: f. Supportive: use mobilisation tactics g. Neutral: use educational. visualisation tactics h. Opposing: use disruption, interference tactics (Adapted from New Tactics in Human Rights Spectrum of Allies exercise.) This card was created by Namita Singh and Ali Gharavi in collaboration with Tactical Tech. There are four essential elements to every successful capital campaign: the Case; Leadership; Prospects; and, the Plan. This article is last in a series addressing each element and will focus on designing a successful capital campaign plan. You cannot do everything at once, but you can do one thing at a time. Begin by designing a comprehensive campaign strategy that works well you and your organization. Every successful campaign begins with a plan. The campaign plan is a detailed set of procedural guidelines for campaign leaders and volunteers. The successful campaign plan is built with two overriding principles in mind: (1) Anything other than a complete success is entirely unacceptable; and (2) To ensure the complete success of this fundraising effort, the campaign must be formally declared (and treated) as the primary institutional priority of the organization throughout the fundraising timetable. Recognizing and stating these basic truths puts you into the mindset to make the dec isions and commitments necessary for a successful campaign. From there, we begin to incorporate essential fundraising elements into a comprehensive strategy. Just as there are the four essential elements of a successful campaign (Case, Leadership, Prospects and Plan) there are many vital techniques at work within a good fundraising plan, among them the use of: personal visits, a phased approach, specific gift requests, lead and major gift solicitation, pledge type gifts. Personal visits always yield more money. People give to people—people they love, people they admire, people they respect and even people they fear. Often it is the personal relationship of the volunteer making the request that has the most sway with the potential donor. Our classic technique demands that we employ a phase-by-phase approach to our fundraising, always asking for the largest gifts first, and then medium sized gifts and finally smaller gifts. This ensures that we create enthusiasm and build momentum. Our success, as evidenced by our rapidly rising fundrais ing totals and our large average gift, will pull undecided people toward us and encourage them to give. Victory has a thousand fathers, yet defeat is always an orphan. One of the most important concepts we must use is to ask for a specific gift. We should be asking mostly with a view of our need in mind, but with some view of their means in mind as well. As we articulate the request, we want to make it clear that the reason we are asking them for this specific amount is because we need it if we are to succeed. It is important that they not get the sense that we are asking them for this amount just because we think they have it, or because we think that is what they â€Å"ought to give,† but only because â€Å"we have this enormous need and a limited number of people of means to whom we can turn.† If people are going to help you achieve ambitious plans, they need to know what is required of them. You must always ask for the specific gift. Every campaign that is successful in reaching its potential is going to do a good job of soliciting Leadership and Major Gifts. Clearly some families are especially able to help because of their material blessings. Within the fundraising industry, it is a well-known fact that approximately 80% of the money (or more) will come from just 20% of the people (and sometimes fewer). These Leadership and Major Gifts set the pace for others to follow and they provide the financial foundation upon which to build a successful campaign. Much time is spent, early in the campaign, trying to determine who should be challenged to consider a gift of this significant nature. A well-run campaign will always stress equal effort, equal stretching or even equal sacrifice from every prospective donor, but not equal giving. Each prospect should be encouraged to do their individual best. Another element of a successful campaign plan is to offer people the opportunity to make pledges, rather than one-time gifts, and to offer longer pledge redemption periods where appropriate and possible. Depending upon the length of the pledge redemption period, pledges are usually two—three times larger than one-time contributions. In today’s busy world, people often budget their money very carefully. If a family were going to give you $100 per month, you would rather have that run for 60 months (5 years) than 36 months (3 years), would you not? Narrowing the pledge collection period is not going to get this family (which is giving out of current income) to pay the money any sooner. It will merely get you a smaller pledge. There are many other important aspects of a solid fundraising plan, including: Financial Goals and Objectives Clearly stated goals tied to both the leaders responsible for attaining them and the timeline over which they are to be accomplished. A Detailed Campaign Timetable Giving form to function, the timetable gives us an orderly way to approach a complex task, ensuring the most important things are going to be done first. Organizational Chart Clarifying the responsibilities of each campaign leader and showing everyone how they are related to one another. Description of Leadership Roles and Responsibilities Written instructions delineating the job responsibilities of each leader/volunteer. Campaign Phases and/or Divisions and Tracks of Activity Another form of timeline, breaking out major phases of activity and tracks of action. Many phases may go on simultaneously, while others will be the only activity underway at that given time. Lead and Major Gift Programs This most important track of activity begins during the early quiet phase of the campaign and continues until the potential for such gifts has been exhausted. Commemorative Gift Plan A comprehensive plan to commemorate the gifts of your campaign donors, especially major and leadership donors which might include naming opportunities, public recognition and memorabilia that you can give to outstanding leaders/donors (such as a scale model of a building, etc.). Keep in mind that the plan may evolve as the campaign moves forward. Often this is a function of actual early results, and who is giving at what levels. Who is accepting a leadership role? Preparing a detailed timetable and organizational chart is a good way of measuring the progress of the campaign in relation to the plan and detecting when necessary adjustments or revisions may be needed. It also provides a specific measure of accountability. Establish goals for each constituency and phase. Everyone needs to know what is expected of him or her! A statistical summary of the number and level of gifts required to reach the campaign goal for each phase of activity should be kept regularly. This list should be constantly monitored against progress to date and should be consulted daily to develop a precise order of solicitation, thus providing us a plan and timetable for asking. In summary, the campaign plan is one of the four essential elements of a successful capital campaign and must be carefully researched and crafted. Remember to keep a close eye on the fundraising plan and modify it in view of your actual experiences. The plan is your road map to success. Remember, it is static while the world is very dynamic. Use the plan as your basic guide, maintaining your liberty to deviate from it briefly where called upon, and you will find it serves you quite nicely and leads to your fundraising success.